They are basically heavy doors that are made up of metal or gypsum. Mainly they are used to hold up the smoke and stop the fire. When they are installed properly, they don't com-bust for a certain time period during fire. Their time rating may vary from 20 to 90 minutes doors. Depending upon the size of the companies, you may opt for the appropriate fire rated doors and its number. These are often set up in public buildings or office buildings or at the living quarters. They may also be used at exit stairs. Although it can also be used in residences, but this seems a less common choice. They might some time need be remodel led or rebuild.
A fire rated door can work effectively only when shut down properly, else it is ineffective. It would not be able to hold back the smoke in such a situation. When concerning large buildings, this problem can be handled in many ways. Theses doors can have automatic shut down mode, if fire is detected. Thus, it will be convenient for everyone to let the doors be opened for the rest of the time or it may be kept shut all the time, and if they are opened they shut down automatically. These are either solid or with windows. Many of them prefer without windows. The doors with windows also contain the glass that is rated or made of rated material like glass or any other transparent material. There are many vendors from where one can purchase these doors according to their needs like size, rating, with or without window.
A fire rated door can work effectively only when shut down properly, else it is ineffective. It would not be able to hold back the smoke in such a situation. When concerning large buildings, this problem can be handled in many ways. Theses doors can have automatic shut down mode, if fire is detected. Thus, it will be convenient for everyone to let the doors be opened for the rest of the time or it may be kept shut all the time, and if they are opened they shut down automatically. These are either solid or with windows. Many of them prefer without windows. The doors with windows also contain the glass that is rated or made of rated material like glass or any other transparent material. There are many vendors from where one can purchase these doors according to their needs like size, rating, with or without window.